¥2,970 税込
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◆クラシカルでアクロバティックなギターライン、それにメロディアスなベースラインとタイトなキットが重なったシンプルなバンド編成ながら、スリリングな曲構成を展開する東京発の老舗ポストロックバンド。【MIRROR】別名体育会系インストバンド。本作は2016年以降8年振りの作品として、またアルバムとしてはなんと17年振りの2nd ALBUMとなる。
◆ MIRROR, a classic and acrobatic post-rock band from Tokyo known for their thrilling song structures, features a simple band setup with intricate guitar lines, melodic bass lines, and tight kits. Their new release is their first in 8 years since 2016 and their second album in an astonishing 17 years. This release comes as a special jacket CD in the style of classic fan zines, including a 7-inch EP-sized booklet with song explanations and a download code.
◆ Recording and mixing were handled by member Ken-Shirou Mori. Mastering was done by TJ.Lipple, who is well-known for his work on numerous DC releases. The artwork, including the zine, was created by Munihiro Machida of NSSG, who has been a part of the scene since its early days.
¥2,970 税込